Etisalat Misr managed to test 5G during Cairo ICT 2019, reaching remarkable speeds of 1.4 Gbps. This proof of concept is a step in 5G readiness. The..
In continuation of its corporate social responsibility projects, and as part of the "Origin" initiative which it launched last March, addressing water..
In the framework of its corporate social responsibility projects in the first phase of its initiative "Origin" released on last March to counter the water..
Genesys International Corporation has announced that Etisalat Misr is the winner of the Customer Care Excellence Award. The Company was ranked the first..
Counselor Ahmed El-Zend, Chairman of the Judges Club, and the members of the Board, have received Eng. Gamal El-Sadat, Chairman of Etisalat Misr, Eng...
Etisalat Misr managed to test 5G during Cairo ICT 2019, reaching remarkable speeds of 1.4 Gbps. This proof of concept is a step in 5G readiness. The..
In continuation of its corporate social responsibility projects, and as part of the "Origin" initiative which it launched last March, addressing..
In the framework of its corporate social responsibility projects in the first phase of its initiative "Origin" released on last March to counter the..
Genesys International Corporation has announced that Etisalat Misr is the winner of the Customer Care Excellence Award. The Company was ranked the..
Counselor Ahmed El-Zend, Chairman of the Judges Club, and the members of the Board, have received Eng. Gamal El-Sadat, Chairman of Etisalat Misr,..
The United Nations officially announced the participation of Etisalat Misr in the Global Compact. The UN Global Compact is the largest global..
Etisalat Misr's latest corporate social responsibility initiative "Origin" has been the talk of the town in Egypt for the past few weeks, the company..
Etisalat has recently announced the commencement of a major initiative amongst its corporate social responsibility Agenda. In a press conference..
Within the framework of the good relations and strong ties that unite Egypt and the UAE on both the official and public levels, the UAE Embassy in..
Ever since it launched its state-of-the-art services, Etisalat has been keen to have a unique presence in Egypt. In fact, Etisalat’s presence in..
Ever since it launched its services in the Egyptian telecom market, Etisalat has been keen to provide state-of-the-art technologies and services in..