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Creating "Smarter Cities" at QITCOM 2012

2012-02-21 - 03:39 GMT
Qatar Qatar

  • Creating

Mobilk - QITCOM 2012, the pre-eminent platform for the information and communication technology (ICT) sector in Qatar, will host a dedicated conference session “Smarter Planet”, to address the growing trend towards governments and business leaders capturing the potential of smarter systems to achieve more sustainable and efficient societal progress. 


With Qatar mobilising numerous resources to turn into a global innovator in smart services this dedicated session, which will be held on the last day of the conference (7th March), offers an ideal opportunity to be updated and inspired on this insightful and forward looking subject that will increasingly shape the way we all live. 


Mr. Ali Al-Khulaifi, QITCOM Organising Committee Chairman commented, “As the World’s population continues to grow at an extremely fast rate there are greater demands being placed on our city infrastructures. Smarter cites around the world are leveraging technology to optimise their resources and improve the efficiency of their infrastructure.  At QITCOM 2012 we’ve assembled the industry’s leading experts to join ICT stakeholders, business leaders and government officials to share insights into the developments, best practices and future trends in creating smarter applications and a smarter planet eco-system that most particularly applies to the local and Middle Eastern region.” 


Qatar University Wireless Innovation Centre (QUWIC) is among many pioneering technology institutes and centers who can share their expertise and insights at QITCOM 2012 into the latest technologies and research aimed at creating the “smartest cities” in the region and the world. 

One such technology that will be showcased during the event is the Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (CopITS) platform, a three-year project between QUWIC and Qatar National Research Fund (QNRF) aimed at enabling vehicles to communicate and co-operate with other vehicles to support the creation of new safety and navigation applications. 


Another smart applications developed by QUWIC is Masarak, a solution that provides a rich and intelligent portfolio of services and applications in the areas of traffic monitoring, fleet management, intelligent dispatching and trip planning. 


Abdullah Zaid Al Talib, Chairman of Qatar University Wireless Innovation Centre (QUWIC), will also be giving a keynote speech during the final day (7th March) of QITCOM 2012 on “The Transition to a Knowledge-based Economy: A Holistic View”, looking at how governments across the region are reshaping their national development strategies to be in line with the knowledge-based economy, suggesting that the model for this approach should be homegrown:  A "copy paste" tactic has a limited rate of success. To learn more please register to attend via the QITCOM 2012 website or Facebook page. 


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