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Jawwal offers special discount while roaming in Saudi Arabia

Palestine | 2009-12-16 - 12:41 GMT

tap_and_play Service providers

Palestine Cellular Communications Company "Jawwal", one of  PALTEL group companies offered a special reduction on the price of receiving calls to become fifty agorot  while roaming only in Saudi Arabia; this is due to Jawwal’s concern in offering satisfaction for the pilgrim’s during their travel and keeps them in constant contact with their parents during their journey.Commenting on this campaign, Mr. ThabetGhanayem theInstitutional Relations Manager at Jawwal said: "As each year, Jawwal participates with its customers in various occasions,so it decided to launch a very distinctive campaign for all pilgrims, through which they may receive their calls at a very special rate when roaming in Saudi Arabia so as to stay in touch with their parents during their journey. Ghanayem clarified: "The campaign includes all Jawwal customers either Prepaid or Postpaid, noting that the roaming service is automatically activated for prepaid subscribers but they shouldhave enough credit in order to make and receive calls. He also added:"As for piligrims’ postpaid subscribers, they may stay in contact with their families through SMS and by receiving calls only without any insurance or guarantees".

Ghanayem said: "We wish all our pilgrims a safe and blessed journey.We will always share the occasions with our customers and provide them with the most useful campaigns and services, since we are the Palestinian network which is concerned in sharing the distinctive moments with our customers."


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