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Etisalat Group adopts Green Technology in their Footprints around the World

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Omran: - The Green Energy Today Is the Energy of Tomorrow
Etisalat Group adopts Green Technology in their Footprints around the World

UAE | 2012-01-16 - 11:07 GMT

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Mobilk - On the occasion of   the annual World Future Energy Summit which is held in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi between 16th -19th January 2012, H.E. Mohamed Omran “Etisalat Chairman” stated that the World is strongly heading towards science and technologies that invest in green energy such as solar, nuclear and wind power as an environmentally friendly solution in the provision of electric power.  Companies nowadays are inventing applications and models to make the most of green energy and put future plans to rely on this energy steadily besides the ways of its dissemination.


Omran highlighted the experience of "Etisalat" in the adoption of green energy in the UAE and  its operations in 18 countries round the globe and  said, the environmental safety and the deployment of green energy-friendly environment  are the most important fundamentals that we are working on to reduce environmental pollution resulting from energy applications of generated carbon dioxide and  carbon polluter of the environment, in addition to increase of  the contribution of renewable energy at the expense of  the energy  that pollutes the environment as well as enhancing the  awareness of “Etisalat “customers on the importance to reduce pollution and preserve the environment.


We are leading are leading these efforts in our foot prints compared to peers. “ Etisalat”  and in collaboration with energy-  friendly environment device manufacturers and innovators has created various advanced  solutions and models to preserve the environment as follows: -


Illustration of alternative energy adopted by "Etisalat Group"

 To preserve the environment



Lately “Etisalat Egypt" hails more than 40 stations of the mobile eco-friendly solar-powered in Egypt and includes the establishment of extra 150 stations during the first quarter of 2012. Whilst Etisalat Nigeria has 150 solar system working stations and planning to add more 200 by Q1- 2012.


Omran referred to the results of the UAE based study on the efficacy of Fiber –Optic next – generation infrastructure in reducing the amount of carbon dioxide produced by about 85%, and it can reduce the power required by the network by up to 73% and said: - thanks to new technologies that helped us to preserve our environment.


“Etisalat”  investment  in the infrastructure of Fiber – Optic and next -generation  technologies  in the UAE and other countries have  contributed  heavily   to the provision of future services and led to significantly reduce the amount of carbon dioxide produced by the telecommunications activities of individuals and the businesses. The spread of Fiber -Optic technology is part of our responsibility to societies to contribute and support a sustainable future of energy and environmental conservation. Omran added.


He concluded “Etisalat” has  stepped and progressed  significantly  in this area for its full conviction of the  importance of reducing emissions of carbon dioxide in- line with direction of  the UAE government  and the World to use green energy, besides  the continuous  hard work and tireless initiatives  recommended by  the World  Future Energy Summit  in previous meetings  to stress on the need to take a bigger steps in the deployment of  the green energy.


The World Future Energy Summit is one of the most important events in the region on the development and activation of green energy and its uses, in addition to responding to the growing need for sustainable energy. 


The summit which was attended by industry leaders and decision-makers in the field of energy efficiency and clean technologies, commercial ,financial, academic and specialists of innovation , investment opportunities in sustainable energy, from all over the World, is to explore the main challenges and possibilities to map the way for a secure energy future.


 It also aims to contribute to the understanding of energy security by examining the roles of the region as a major World producer and consumers of energy to seek diversifying sources of energy (mainly renewable sources).



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