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MENA Regions First Online Creative Design Agency Launches in Dubai

2016-05-10 - 02:12 GMT

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Mobilk - For the first time in the MENA region, business organizations of all sizes can avail themselves of creative branding and design services online. Eleven Percent launched in Dubai, is the first online creative agency in the MENA region! The company’s costing structure ensures that clients can save up to 50% of the traditional cost involved in branding and design services.

Eleven Percent, the brainchild of Rashad Fatairy, in addition to being an online design platform offers a unique business model centred on social responsibility to the planet. The company gets its name from its informed CSR initiative which pledges 11% of each purchased service to a humanitarian cause globally. “We decided not to wait for other organizations to initiate such a movement and made our social responsibility as global citizens a core of our business. We believe that if all businesses follow our path, business organizations can make a huge positive impact on some of the major issues in the world,” explained Mr. Rashad Fatairy, MD and Creative Director, Eleven Percent. 

Prospective clients will be able to browse through the Eleven Percent packages, selecting the most applicable for their requirements. Eleven Percent’s costing structure requires an initial payment of 30% upon agreement of a proposal/quote and before the company begins its design work. “Our main focus is our customers satisfaction with the design work done for them and therefore the remaining 70% is payable only when the client is happy with our work and not merely when the job is done,’’ emphasized Fatairy.


Eleven Percent currently has 3 main packages: Start-up for start-ups on a tight budget; Essential for start-ups and SMEs that have a higher budget; and Elite for new and existing businesses that have an allocated budget for branding specifically. Each of these packages consist of different design services, for example the Start-up package consists of basic branding and design services for a new business. Additionally, clients can purchase separate design services from Eleven Percent’s dedicated services page.  

Another responsibility that Eleven Percent has undertaken is to further educate the MENA market about the importance of branding. “We are helping these businesses understand the importance of branding by firstly lowering our rates so businesses are encouraged to venture into brand development; secondly, we aim to provide immaculate quality that transmits their business and its strength to the market; and finally, we believe in having open lines of communication for existing and potential clients so that we create opportunities to talk about their businesses and help them see the importance of branding and design for their business, marketing campaigns and products,” said Mr. Fatairy. 

Since Eleven Percent’s launch in February 2016, the company has experienced a spurt of growth, signing 12 clients, of which 5 are on a retainer basis. “I am really thrilled at the impact we have had so far but we still have to a long way to go,” said Mr. Fatairy who aims to leave a mark in the creative and design industry, and to manage and change organizational perceptions on the importance of design for their business.


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